A rare protein in spirulina algae

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Spirulina or blue-green algae is considered a complete plant protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids and 10 non-essential amino acids in sufficient quantity. Spirulina protein is up to 95% digestible for the human body. This rate is one of the highest percentages of protein absorption in the world.

Spirulina algae does not have a cellulose wall, so it is easily absorbed. Spirulina protein is soluble in water and its excess amounts are easily excreted unlike animal proteins. For this reason, it does not have a negative effect on blood flow in the veins and heart function.

Spirulina has 3 times more protein than meat. For this reason, its status as a plant protein source makes it an impressive choice for the vegetarian or vegan consumer segment. Algae protein supplements can also be an excellent choice for consumers looking to increase their protein intake without consuming more calories.

Chlorella algae, which is considered a green algae, has high protein like spirulina. But its protein is not easily digestible for the body and requires reactions before consumption.

Tags: تصویر, طرح, کسب و کار, نام تجاری, وردپرس

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